
  • The Effective Design Behind Carpenter Bee Traps

    Carpenter bees are a common nuisance in yards, drawn by untreated wood and warm environments. Effective traps play a crucial role in managing these populations. Mimicking natural nesting sites, these traps feature wooden housing with strategically designed entrances and non-toxic attractants.
  • Identifying Wood-Destroying Insects

    Wood-destroying insects can pose a significant threat to structural integrity and property. Infestations can cause damage and compromise the safety of a building. Homeowners and building professionals must be able to identify wood-destroying insects and take appropriate measures to prevent and control them.
  • Carpenter Bee VS Termite Damage

    If you're trying to identify the cause of damage in your home caused by an insect, it's crucial to know the difference between carpenter bees and termites. While they may both cause significant damage, they look very different. Carpenter bees are visually distinct from termites, so it's usually not difficult to tell them apart.