
  • What Are Carpenter Bees Looking For?

    What Are Carpenter Bees Looking For?

    Carpenter bees are probably the most unwanted visitors, and they have been visiting you quite often lately.  Why are they such a problem only for your home and not those in the neighborhood? 

    We can tell you it's no accident that they bore holes in your porch rather than hundreds of trees nearby. The reason is that they find your home more favorable than others. These unwanted guests are fond of untreated wood, flowering plants, overhanging roofs, and even existing nest tunnels around your place.


  • What Areas Have the Most Carpenter Bees

    What Areas Have the Most Carpenter Bees

    Carpenter Bees, typically found throughout the U.S., Hawaii, and Canada, are easily distinguishable insects. Male carpenter bees are orange and black, while the females are solid black and have sparkly abdomens. 

    Their unique physical appearance is indisputable, but many want to know in what areas these purple xylocopa or black bumblebees like to stay. If you're one of them, seeking ways to prevent them from compromising your home's structural integrity, you've come to the right place

  • Carpenter Bees: Nasty Destroyers or Beneficial Pollinators?

    Bees are vital pollinators that play a critical role in plant reproduction and sustaining healthy ecosystems. But some species, like carpenter bees, can wreak havoc on your property. 

    These solitary insects burrow tunnels in wood to create nests, which can cause irreparable damage to your house over time. Let's explore how to identify and eliminate carpenter bees and effective strategies for protecting your wood for long-term prevention

  • Spring Prep to Avoid Carpenter Bees

    With spring in full bloom, it's time to gear up for sunny days and outdoor fun. However, the buzzing of carpenter bees may not be the welcome sound you anticipate. These wood-boring insects can wreak havoc on your home and outdoor structures. Here's how to prepare and prevent carpenter bee infestations, ensuring a peaceful and bee-friendly season.

    Identifying Carpenter Bees and Signs of Infestation

    When identifying carpenter bees, look for the telltale signs of their presence. Keep an eye out for half-inch diameter holes in untreated or softer woods, often accompanied by piles of yellow sawdust. 

    Carpenter bees are typically large and black or black and yellow, which can sometimes be mistaken for bumblebees. They can often be found hovering around house eaves or under decks. 

    Signs of infestation may also include nickel-sized holes in wood, wood shavings, yellowish-brown staining, and faint chewing sounds. While males, identifiable by white stripes on their faces, do not sting, females may sting when provoked.

    Carpenter Bee Solutions

    Preventing carpenter bee infestations is essential, as they can cause structural damage over time. Opting for non-chemical carpenter bee solutions benefits both the environment and other pollinators.

    Address Carpenter Bee Holes

    To address existing carpenter bee activity, start by surveying your home for half-inch diameter holes in wooden areas. Fill these holes and divots flush with the exterior using appropriate materials. 

    If you’re struggling with how to repair carpenter bee damage, consider specialized products like Bee Dams to get the job done correctly. Bee Dams are paintable/stainable and will strengthen the wood as you repair it. 

    Additionally, opting for hardwoods over softwoods like redwood, cedar, cypress, and pine can deter carpenter bees from nesting.

    After repairing holes and divots, apply carpenter bee repellent stain or paint to wooden surfaces. Treating wood after repairs helps deter carpenter bees from nesting further. Fill any pits and gaps in wood surfaces to make them less attractive to these insects.

    Hang Up Carpenter Bee Traps

    Strategically mount traps around your property, especially in areas frequented by carpenter bees. Consider using products like BeesNThings traps to effectively capture these insects. 

    Additionally, protect wooden outdoor furniture with citrus extract spray, as carpenter bees dislike the smell of citrus. You can also use almond oil or citrus oil repellents on susceptible areas.

    Encourage Migration

    Encourage carpenter bees to relocate by providing scrap wood blocks for nesting, ensuring they're unpainted. Playing music or hanging wind chimes near nests can disrupt their habitat, encouraging migration. You can also hang fake wasp nests to deter nesting in specific areas.

    Enjoy a Bee-Free Spring

    By implementing these bee-friendly prevention methods, you can effectively deter carpenter bees without resorting to harmful chemicals. This not only benefits your home but also contributes to the well-being of native pollinators. With these simple steps, you can enjoy a carpenter bee-free spring and a thriving ecosystem. 

  • The Effective Design Behind Carpenter Bee Traps

    Carpenter bees are a common nuisance in yards, drawn by untreated wood and warm environments. Effective traps play a crucial role in managing these populations. Mimicking natural nesting sites, these traps feature wooden housing with strategically designed entrances and non-toxic attractants.
  • A Homeowners Guide to Different Types of Bees

    To prevent a bee infestation, it’s important for a homeowner to understand the type of bees and the level of damage they cause.